Sunday, 20 April 2014

International Space Station

International Space Station

To gaze up high into night skies
Wait for the dot to fill my eyes

I’ve checked online to know the time
And look out west, begins its climb

Perched neatly by the window up
Two thirty miles it’s that close-up

I wave at them do they wave too?
In 90 mins again they’re due

What’s going on up there right now?
I’m sure it starts with the word “Wow”

This small bright light in the night sky
‘Til next time guys I shall say bye


If you ever watch the International Space Station go over your house, you'll (hopefully) relate to this poem.

Saturday, 19 April 2014



This guy called David Angell,
He came to challenge me,
A poem about xylophones,
From me he wants to see,

It’s quite a funny sounding word,
Big scrabble points be found,
And did you know it comes from Greek,
The words mean wooden sound,

They’re known for being played so well,
Sir Patrick Moore was right,
To make sure he did play it lots,
When not on sky at night,

This is a quirky instrument,
And plays a funky tune,
Do hope this poem pleases you,
I feel like quite a loon.


This is another case of someone challenging me to write a poem. Blame the internet. If you want to suggest any to me, just tweet me @philverney.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Cream cakes

Cream cakes

I think that it’s time,
To have an affair,
For that I shall choose
This chocolate eclair,

A white sticky cream,
In front of my eyes,
This long day I’ve had,
Sure likes this surprise,

It’s best when it’s sweet,
And is oh so gooey,
It melts in the mouth,
It’s not at all chewy,

This cute little snack,
It hits the right spot,
Though must brush my teeth,
Don’t want them to rot,

I have a sweet tooth,
That is clear to see,
Gives thanks to this cake,
My stomach’s in glee.


This is another case of someone challenging me to write a poem. Blame the internet. If you want to suggest any to me, just tweet me @philverney.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Dreaming of love

Dreaming of love

To sit in close our eyes are locked,
A moment in this chair,
And I’m so glad that I am with you,
This closeness that we share,

To write a little note to you,
And place it in your coat,
So when you read it there’s no doubt,
On you I sure do dote,

You text me when you’re feeling sad,
You know I will respond,
To cheer you up and make you smile,
We have this special bond,

And when I know you’re coming round,
Can’t wait to hold your hand,
I tell you in my Yorkshire voice,
You’re looking rather grand,

I hope that I’ll grow old with you,
And share a lot of things,
To say our vows a special day,
The giving of the rings.

Monday, 7 April 2014

The beautiful game

The beautiful game

There’s ninety full minutes,
Plus some extra time,
And twenty two players,
Ball-skills some sublime,

To chase that round thing,
The length of the pitch,
For those who do well,
Become rather rich,

The ball in the box,
Swinged so swiftly in,
But was it off-side?,
Will it be a win?,

Defence and attack,
Down left and right wing,
To come silverware,
This season shall bring,

The cheering and shouting,
The passion so clear,
This all comes around,
From one little sphere.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

It's not fair

It's not fair

To be there now and look into,
Those awe inspiring eyes,
You message me a flutter does,
Rise up now feel my sighs,

I think of you and realise that,
You’re always on my mind,
Across my heart there is a space,
For your name to be signed,

Could I be brave and tell you now,
Would that earn me this prize,
I doubt I could for all of these,
What if’s, what could’s and whys,

To brush your lovely hair behind,
Those pretty little ears,
I’m sad to feel that I’ll not have,
All of that due to fears.