Friday, 1 February 2013

Pancake Day

Pancake Day

Upon the horizon,
The dishes emerge,

A thousand flying saucers
Awaiting our welcome,

Settling down on terra firma,
The locals pick up their pitch forks,

First comes the water cannon,
Then a mass of mortars,

Charging forward to devour,
Scoop, fold and tear,

The battle over in minutes,
The invaders never stood a chance,

Satisfied and in need of rest,
The victors await their next fight.


Upon the horizon,
The dishes emerge,

Laying out the ingredients to make the pancake. The dishes here are both the frying pans, and also the invading "alien dishes" as a metaphor.

A thousand flying saucers
Awaiting our welcome,

The flying saucers are the stereotypical round shape just like the shape of a pancake. Waiting for the eater/earthlings to meet them.

Settling down on terra firma,
The locals pick up their pitch forks,

As the pancakes are ready and placed onto the plate (terra firma), the eater picks up his/her fork (and probably spoon too)

First comes the water cannon,
Then a mass of mortars,

The water cannon is a metaphor for the lemon juice that will be squirted onto the pancake. Then the mortars would be the fruit to compliment it.

Charging forward to devour,
Scoop, fold and tear,

With the warm, dressed pancake waiting, it's time for the eater to fold it in half, cut it, and nom nom nom.

The battle over in minutes,
The invaders never stood a chance,

Pancakes are yummy so are likely to be eaten quickly!

Satisfied and in need of rest,
The victors await their next fight.

Stuffed and waiting for next year's pancake day!

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