Friday 6 June 2014



They shall grow not old, 
For if they are frail,
They gave up their lives
The day they set sail

As we that are left grow old,
To you we salute you,
The bravery back then,
Now shown by so few,

Age shall not weary them,
Emotions still raw,
The freedom to be,
Walk safe out the door,

Nor the years condemn,
Remember bad acts,
The sacrifice given,
The horror and facts,

At the going down of the sun, 
Remember our friends,
The courage they showed,
Our thanks never ends,

And in the morning,
Each day when we wake,
For battles they won, 
We have and eat cake,

We will remember them,
At all times that we can,
Thank you for your service,
I am a free man.