Saturday 10 October 2020

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

There’s lots of stuff goin’ on up there,
We need to treat it well,
Our minds the soul of who we are,
My plan for this, I’ll spell,

See life is tough, we all have doubts,
And questions ‘bout our worth,
We wonder if we’re good enough,
And what’s our place on Earth,

To me, our role is to spread light,
And help each other out,
Especially when they’re feeling low,
And need some help to shout,

You are enough just as you are,
But if you’re feeling low,
Let’s talk some more, I’d like to help,
And help your sweet smile grow,

Be kind to all that you should meet,
And be their beam of light,
Today you might be all they need
To help them see their might.